Tackling Invasive Species

A Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) is a local group or partnership of people who collectively manage the problem of invasive species spreading across the landscape. CISMAs operate by engaging local interests and addressing invasive species issues across various land ownership. Work began here in Montgomery County in 2020 to establish a local CISMA.
Invasive plants are plants that are not native (local) to Indiana and are rapidly spreading and outcompeting native plants. Wintercreeper (pictured to the left) is one species of concern here in our county. Invasive plants decrease soil quality, water quality, and biodiversity. If you are concerned about invasive species on your property please contact us for assistance! We will connect you with resources to help identify and eradicate invasives.
We need community member’s input to best fit the serve the needs of this county. Our initial CISMA survey is available now. By completing this survey you are helping us determine the best course of action to get invasives under control here in the county! If you are interested in helping in our efforts to rid the county of invasive plants this survey will also let us know how you would like to help. You can access the survey by clicking the link below.